Visit Dope on a Rope Soap THIS weekend at the Boulder SpringFest on Pearlstreet! We will have plenty of our hemp leaf soaps on hand, as well as soaps from our sister company, Rope Soap Inc. Check it out!
Boulder SpringFest on Pearl Street Mall
... The largest and arguably most important organ in the human body is our skin. So why do so many people rely on harsh chemical based detergent bars, artificial lotions and petrol based skin care products to try and promote healthy and nourished skin? Most likely it is out of a lack of knowledge about the alternative options to mass produced store bought home care products that are on the market. Natural skin care products are produced in an old fashioned manner, often by hand, and contain completely natural ingredients such as pure vegetable oils and essential oils.
Among the most beneficial and misunderstood vegetable oil is hemp seed oil. Commonly frowned upon because of it relation to marijuana hemp seed oil is actually so beneficial to the human body that once you start to use it you will notice it's benefits immediately and most likely seek out other hemp based products for the rest of your life. Here is a break down of why exactly hemp seed oil, and thus hemp soap, is smart alternative to chemical detergents.
Hemp Oil is a rich source of the polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. These fatty acids are required to maintain the moisture content in the body. Therefore, hemp oil acts as a good moisturizing agent for the skin. Hemp oil not only prevents the skin from drying, but it also helps relieve the symptoms of acne, minor abrasions, psoriasis, and eczema. It is a rich source of Vitamin D and the production of hemp oil has a low impact on the environment.
•The polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid) found in hemp oil helps to heal skin lesions, balance dry skin, and fight skin inflammations.
•The use of hemp oil will result in soft, smooth, and hydrated skin.
Anti-Aging and Diabetes
•The slow-down of cell metabolism with age or diabetes reduces the amount of essential fatty acids ingested and released into the epidermis (top most layer of skin) which can cause the skin to become thinner and extremely dry.
•This age related decline is also a major contributor to the formation of wrinkles and overall skin again.
•Topical application of hemp oil compensates for this decline in the skin and minimizes the obvious effects of ageing.
Psoriasis and Eczema
•Psoriasis and eczema both cause patients to have reduced levels of gamma-linolenic acid in their skin.
•Topical application of hemp oil which is rich in gamma-linolenic acid can provide relief from itching and improve the appearance of the dry, scaling skin.
•Clinical studies have shown the effects of topical applications of hemp oil containing gamma-linolenic acid for the treatment of atopic eczema after a period of only two weeks.
•Topical administration of hemp oil rich in linoleic acid has been shown to be effective in the therapeutic treatment of acne skin conditions.
•Hemp oil is a non-greasy emollient and moisturizing compound with excellent anti-ageing and moisture balancing properties.
Environmentally Friendly
•The hemp plant is a completely renewable resource and every single part of the plant can be made into an end-consumer product.
•Hemp requires no pesticides and can be rotated with traditional crops as its roots penetrate deep into the ground.
•The yield per acre of hemp is among the highest of all crops.
•Since hemp farming does not require the use of pesticides and herbicides consumers of hemp seeds and oil do not need to be concerned about pesticide residues.
Visit Nederland's Chamber of Commerce site, or you can read all about "Bredo" the Frozen Dead Guy here.
And don't worry, he smells of lively peppermint...!