Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hemp Soap Can Smell GOOD!

Hemp soap smells GOOD!
Mauwie Wauwie by Dope on a Rope Soap
Lavender and Citrus Essential Oils

Kind & Mild by Dope on a Rope Soap
Lemongrass Essential Oil

Northern Lights by Dope on a Rope Soap
Eucalyptus and Peppermint Essential Oils

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hemp Soap on a Rope by Dope on a Rope Soap

Hemp soap just may be the best soap you can use to moisturize your skin - naturally! We infuse Dope on a Rope Soaps with a hefty portion of moisturizing hemp oil...check em' out at www.dopeonaropesoap.com

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dope on a Rope Hemp Soap Goes to HempCon

Want Hemp Soap? Are you in California? Don't miss HempCon in Los Angeles, April 1-3 2011! Dope on a Rope Soap will be there with our entire line of soap. Become a Facebook fan for a special deal! Hope to see you there. A little about HempCon ~

Hempcon is a medical marijuana show catering to those who may be benefited from the medical use of marijuana. This will be one of the premiere events of the year with a huge amount of exhibits including medical marijuana dispensaries, collectives, care givers, evaluation services, legal services, educational institutes, equipment, accessories, and many more. Hempcon will be an educational event as well with a full weekend of seminars and presentations by industry leaders, advocates, and attorneys. Whether you are a patient or someone who wants to get educated more about medical marijuana, you have got to be there.

For 2011, we are scheduled to have multiple shows all around the Southwest throughout the year. Be sure to check out, Hempcon in your local town as we will expand into other markets where medical marijuana has been legalized. We urge supporters of the Medical Marijuana industry to come out and participate in what is sure to be the best event of the year!

- ANNOUNCEMENT! Ziggy Marley and Fishbone are scheduled to play HempCon in LA! Don't miss it!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hemp Soap

Dope on a Rope Hemp Soap
What are the advantages of using hemp soap?? Check it out! ~


... The largest and arguably most important organ in the human body is our skin. So why do so many people rely on harsh chemical based detergent bars, artificial lotions and petrol based skin care products to try and promote healthy and nourished skin? Most likely it is out of a lack of knowledge about the alternative options to mass produced store bought home care products that are on the market. Natural skin care products are produced in an old fashioned manner, often by hand, and contain completely natural ingredients such as pure vegetable oils and essential oils.
Among the most beneficial and misunderstood vegetable oil is hemp seed oil. Commonly frowned upon because of it relation to marijuana hemp seed oil is actually so beneficial to the human body that once you start to use it you will notice it's benefits immediately and most likely seek out other hemp based products for the rest of your life. Here is a break down of why exactly hemp seed oil, and thus hemp soap, is smart alternative to chemical detergents.
Hemp Oil is a rich source of the polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. These fatty acids are required to maintain the moisture content in the body. Therefore, hemp oil acts as a good moisturizing agent for the skin. Hemp oil not only prevents the skin from drying, but it also helps relieve the symptoms of acne, minor abrasions, psoriasis, and eczema. It is a rich source of Vitamin D and the production of hemp oil has a low impact on the environment.

•The polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid) found in hemp oil helps to heal skin lesions, balance dry skin, and fight skin inflammations.
•The use of hemp oil will result in soft, smooth, and hydrated skin.
Anti-Aging and Diabetes

•The slow-down of cell metabolism with age or diabetes reduces the amount of essential fatty acids ingested and released into the epidermis (top most layer of skin) which can cause the skin to become thinner and extremely dry.
•This age related decline is also a major contributor to the formation of wrinkles and overall skin again.
•Topical application of hemp oil compensates for this decline in the skin and minimizes the obvious effects of ageing.

Psoriasis and Eczema

•Psoriasis and eczema both cause patients to have reduced levels of gamma-linolenic acid in their skin.
•Topical application of hemp oil which is rich in gamma-linolenic acid can provide relief from itching and improve the appearance of the dry, scaling skin.
•Clinical studies have shown the effects of topical applications of hemp oil containing gamma-linolenic acid for the treatment of atopic eczema after a period of only two weeks.

•Topical administration of hemp oil rich in linoleic acid has been shown to be effective in the therapeutic treatment of acne skin conditions.
•Hemp oil is a non-greasy emollient and moisturizing compound with excellent anti-ageing and moisture balancing properties.
Environmentally Friendly

•The hemp plant is a completely renewable resource and every single part of the plant can be made into an end-consumer product.
•Hemp requires no pesticides and can be rotated with traditional crops as its roots penetrate deep into the ground.
•The yield per acre of hemp is among the highest of all crops.
•Since hemp farming does not require the use of pesticides and herbicides consumers of hemp seeds and oil do not need to be concerned about pesticide residues.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I admit it. I live vicariously through quotes. I speak through quotes. I formulate my outlooks on life from quotes. I love quotes. Here are a few of my favorite regarding hemp...

"The first of the major new techniques were probably weaving and pottery making. The earliest known woven fabric was apparently of hemp, which began to be worked in the eighth millenium." - from The Columbia History of the World

"In 1619, America’s first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia, ‘ordering’ all farmers to ‘make tryal of’ Indian hemp seed. More mandatory hemp cultivation laws were enacted in Massachusetts in 1631, in Connecticut in 1632 and in the Chesapeake Colonies into the mid-1700’s. Cannabis hemp was legal tender in most of the America's from 1631 until the early 1800’s, and you could pay your taxes with cannabis hemp for over 200 years." - from Hemp & the Marijuana Conspiracy:

"An acre of the best ground for hemp, is to be selected and sewn in hemp and be kept for a permanent hemp patch." - Thomas Jefferson's Garden book 1849

"For thousands of years this plant has been grown for cordage and cloth. For centuries all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen ropes and sails. For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable. A 44-gun frigate like our cherished Old Ironsides took over 60 tons of hemp for rigging, including an anchor cable 25 inches in circumference. The Conestoga wagon and prairie schooners of pioneer days were covered with hempen canvas. Indeed the very word canvas comes from the Arabic word for hemp. When Manila hemp, from the Navy’s rapidly diminishing supply, is gone, American hemp will go on duty again: hemp for mooring ships, hemp for tow lines, hemp for tackle and gear, hemp for countless Naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for Victory." - USDA 1942 film Hemp for Victory

"Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?" - Henry Ford

"Growing hemp as nature designed it is vital to our urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases and ensure the survival of our planet." - Jack Herer

If you have a favorite hemp quote, post in the comments & I'll add to blog.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hemp Soap

Hemp soap is everywhere these days, but we know you've never seen hemp soap like Dope on a Rope Soap! Visit us at www.dopeonaropesoap.com for unique, hand-made hemp soaps on a hemp rope. Do you Facebook? We love our fans! You can "Like" us here to keep up-to-date with where Dope on a Rope will be, new products, interesting articles, and photos of our adventures!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hemp Soap, Hemp, Hemp, HEMP!

Hemp Soap. Hemp lotions. Hemp bags. Seems like hemp is found in everything these days - FANTASTIC! Here's a new one....

Have you ever considered JUICING cannabis leaves? I have. Take a look at this very interesting & informative artical on Raw Medicine.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Hemp Plant

Hemp Soap
Hemp. One of the world's most important plants, in my opinion....

Quoting http://www.hemp-guide.com/ : "What are the benefits of hemp for your children, grandchildren and generations to come? To put it simply, a thriving planet for the future.

Hemp provides a wide-range of outlets to make better use of the Earth's resources. The power the plant possesses is one of the best-kept secrets regarding extreme usefulness, versatility and ease. In a society where promoting the protection of the Earth's natural resources, many are unaware that such a natural gem with a distinctive, renewable sparkle exists.

Unfortunately, the absence in public response and ignorance is facilitated by a lack of knowledge that prevents the rest of the world from recognizing its shine. The benefits of hemp are so intense that it has led many to believe that the plant has the capacity to reverse the Greenhouse Effect; as well as aid in purifying the air, water, and soil.

Not only does the plant offer an assortment of physical, industrial and economical benefits, but hemp also provides advantages in nutrition, farming and even body care.

Save Trees: A worldwide switch to hemp plant paper could do wonders for the Earth. The planet smiles upon the hemp plant, which allows near-extinct species to no longer worry about losing their natural habitat. Additionally, hemp paper is much easier to make, costs less to generate and lasts much longer.

A hemp pulp paper process (much like the procedures used in 1916) can replace the current production means of manufactured corrugated boxes, computer paper, and paper bags. The fiber produced in hemp is also four times more than the fiber that comes from pine trees.

The destruction of trees may decrease when paper manufactures turn to hemp for their fibers. Hemp paper also provides the recycling capacity of up to seven rotations. Pine-pulp base papers are only good for three.

Benefits of hemp farming: As a natural fiber, hemp is known as one of the longest, strongest, and most durable of the bunch. It is also one of the safest natural resources to maintain, as cultivation methods require no ecologically damaging chemicals, herbicides, or pesticides. Farmers may find a wealth of opportunities by embracing hemp plants, which fits right in with the rotation of other crops, including corn.

Since hemp is easy to grow through a process that in fact strengthens surrounding soil, the plant is a clear friend of the planet. Many also believe the hemp plant could produce a biomass for fuel that would burn cleaner than other well-known ethanol selections."

Dope on a Rope HEMP Soap Reviews

Hemp soap ers. Have a review you'd like to share about your Dope on a Rope Soap experience?? We'd love to hear from you! E-mail us at dopeonaropesoap@gmail.com , and if we feature your review on our Facebook page, you just may receive a free soap of your choice! Dope on a Rope also has some very creative fans, and we welcome your suggestions on new "strains" (scents) of soap...love frankincense & myrrh? Vanilla and lime? Bar b q and apple?? Send us your thoughts on what you'd like to see in the Dope on a Rope soap line, and we'll try to make it happen!

Kind & Mild Hemp Soap

Northern Lights Hemp Soap

Mauwie Wauwie Hemp Soap

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dope on a Rope Soaps

Hemp Soap

Happy Monday From Dope on a Rope!

Frozen Dead Guy Soap on a Rope

What a wonderful time we had at Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland, CO over the weekend! Met many Dope on a Rope Soap fans, as well as made NEW fans/friends. Our "Frozen Dead Guy" soap on a rope was a huge hit, bringing a smile to many faces. Thanks to everyone who stopped by!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hemp Soap

Mauwie Wauwie ~ Lavender and Citrus Hemp Oil Soap

Like hemp soap? We just made new batches of soap infused with much more moisturizing hemp oil!! Dope on a Rope Soap's hemp leaf-shaped soaps are beautifully hand crafted by us in the mountains of Colorado. Each soap is hand-poured by the very creators of Dope on a Rope Soap. No two soaps are alike! Along with our hemp leaf soap, we also carry BIG bars of soap in the same scents.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Marijuana Leaf Soap

Northern Lights ~ Eucalyptus Peppermint Soap infused with moisturizing Hemp Oil.

Did you ever think you'd see the day when you could bathe with a marijuana leaf? Neither did we, but here it is!! Please note, Dope on a Rope Soap does not contain actual cannabis and is not meant to, well, get you high. It does contain hemp oil, which is one of the earth's most natural and effective moisturizers (but does not contain any psychoactive properties). Just a little clarification there...you may now return to your regulary scheduled showering. Er, programming.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dope on a Rope For Your Shop

Want to carry Dope on a Rope soap products in your shop? We have wonderful wholesale pricing available! Give us a call at 303-838-6900 or visit our website to contact us.

Trout on a Rope Soap

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dope on a Rope

Vanilla Mocha Mint Soap
Join Dope on a Rope on Facebook! Become a Facebook Fan to receive updates on free soap giveaways, stay up to date on where we'll be, and see all of our latest creations.