Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Soap on a Rope

Contact us at ropesoapinc@gmail.com

Dope on a Rope Soap Goes to MeadowGrass Music Festival

Hi, Friends!

We hope to see many of you at this weekend's MeadowGrass Music Festival in Black Forest, CO (near Colorado Springs)....check it out here ~


Dope on a Rope Soap will have many soaps on hand, including our Trout Soap on a Rope, Hemp Leaf Soaps on a Rope (aka Dope on a Rope), BIG BARS of Soap on a Rope, and MORE!  Have we mentioned our soaps make unforgettable Father's Day gifts?!

Dope on a Rope Soaps

Trout Soap on a Rope ~ Lemongrass

Friday, May 18, 2012

Farmers Market Season is Around the Corner...

We're feeling giddy as we gear up for a busy farmers market season here in Colorado!  Dope on a Rope Soap will be rolling out some groovy new products we think our fans will just LOVE. If you missed our preview of our newest soap strains, here they are!

Blueberry Kush

Lime Kush

Are you interested in a bulk order of our soaps? Please contact us at dopeonaropesoap@gmail.com or call 303-838-6900 for wholesale inquiries!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Father's Day Trout Soap on a Rope SPECIAL

Howdy, friends!  Hmmm...something smells FISHY!  It must be our Trout Soap on a Rope special going on over in our Etsy shop for Father's Day! Receive THREE Trout Soaps of your choice for only $15, with FREE SHIPPING! Send a Trout Soap right to Dad's door, perhaps keep one for yourself, and send the 3rd to Grandpa. Our Trout Soaps are definetly the catch of the day!

Link to our Trout Soap on a Rope Special: https://www.etsy.com/listing/99748908/dads-trout-soap-on-a-rope-3-trout-soaps?nc=1